Shoulder Joint Mobilization technique helps patients in pain and gaining range of motion. First mobilize the joint, means relax the muscles with available range of motion. These mobilization techniques are easy to perform but very beneficial.

Anterior and Posterior Mobilization

Shoulder Joint Mobilization

For performing shoulder joint mobilization make the position first. So, lie down the patient on the supine position. Hold the patient’s hand in your under arm. In this position you can stabilize the shoulder with your both hands free. In anterior and posterior joint mobilization hold closer and come up-to 90 degrees of abduction. Hold the patient’s humeral head with your both hands together. Then distract and perform the anterior and posterior mobilization.

Shoulder Lateral Distraction Joint Mobilization

Shoulder Joint Mobilization

For performing shoulder lateral distraction joint mobilization make the position first. So, lie down the patient on the supine position. Hold the patient’s hand and come closer to the patient. Your holding position little bit up to the bed. Bring your proximal hand up into patient’s arm and close to armpit. Now give a mild distraction and then a lateral distraction.

Anatomy of Shoulder Joint

The shoulder joint is also remembered as the glenohumeral joint. Shoulder Joint is a ball and socket type of synovial joint. It is the most free movement joint in the body. There are two bones which make the shoulder joint, humerus and scapula. Glenoid cavity of scapula and head of humerus are involves in the articulation of glenohumeral joint.

Movements of Shoulder Joint

Shoulder Joint has a wide range of movements includes;

  • Flexion and extension
  • Abduction and adduction
  • Medial and lateral rotation
  • Circumduction

Joint Mobilization

Joint Mobilization is the technique that physiotherapist are moving the joint in specific direction expertly is called Joint Mobilization. Physical therapists are using this technique in our daily practice. It helps to improve the mobility of joint and also relives in pain.

Why we need Shoulder Joint Mobilization?

When the shoulder is stiff or patient do not able to move the joint properly. Normally, we see this condition in frozen shoulder patients. Frozen shoulder restricts the movement of the shoulder and it is very painful. Shoulder mobilization is very helpful in increasing the range of motion and pain relief.

How Physical Therapist helps you in Mobilization?

Physical therapists have depth knowledge about your joint, ligaments and muscles. Physiotherapists are using this technique expertly. The benefit of physiotherapist is that he will diagnose the reason of stiffness and pain. It will mobilize your joint according your age or symptoms. In joint mobilization have five grades. Every grade has different technique and different reason. Joint mobilization is normally pain free. Shoulder Joint Mobilization helps you in increasing the mobility of joint and also in pain relief.

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