Osgood-Schlatter diseaseĀ is a very painful condition that attacks the knees of growing adolescents. Physical therapy for Osgood Schlatter is very helpful on reducing pain and swelling. Physical therapist will limit your physical activities till your pain and swelling resolve. Physiotherapist aims to strengthen the knee.

When treating Osgood-Schlatter keep one thing in mind. OSD is the self-limiting disease. You are not able to cure it. That means, the disease is growing on till your growth plate close. So, once your growing process stops then automatically pain stops.  Osgood-Schlatter disease can affect the quality life of your children and prevents him with exercising habits. But the early diagnoses and treatment can defeat these concerns.

Exercises for Osgood Schlatter Disease Treatment

The treatment of Osgood-Schlatter disease is depends on symptoms. The physiotherapists will plan your exercises according your symptoms and guide you how to exercise with Osgood Schlatter s. It may include:

Stretching Exercise:

Some children have tightness in leg muscles. So, in this scenario physiotherapist may include calf stretches, quad stretches and hamstring stretches into their plan.

Strengthening Exercise:

The movement restriction in early stage can cause muscles to shorten (atrophy). For dealing this physiotherapist will add exercises to strengthening the quadriceps and hamstrings. Straight leg rasie and squats are best exercises in this condition.

Pain control:

Icing is the key in early phase for controlling pain and swelling. Kinesiology tape can also help you for supporting the knee.

Exercises for Osgood Schlatter Disease

Physical therapy for Osgood Schlatter help your children to strengthen the quardicep, hamstring and glutes muscles. Exercises for Osgood Schlatter disease are;

Straight leg Raise

Sit down with your back straight and also straight leg position. Place your hands on the floor for support. Raise your leg just 10 to 12 inches off the ground. Hold for five seconds and back to starting position. Do three sets daily with ten repetitions.

Single Leg Squat

Sit on a hard chair. Raise your one leg and stand slowly with other leg till you stand properly. Make sure that this movement should be in you control. Hold for five seconds. Now relax your raised foot on the floor and sit down again. Do this exercise 10 to 15 times daily.

Quardiceps Stretch

Stand straight in-front of wall for support. Hold your foot and pull towards your buttocks till you feel a gentle stretch on the front of your thigh. Hold your foot 10 to 15 seconds and repeat five times.


Lie down on your back with bend both knees and flat feet. Pull up your back towards the roof. Hold this position for ten seconds and then come back to the starting position. If you feel easy with doing this exercise so, raise your one leg and start doing single leg bridges. Do three sets of ten repetitions.

Hamstring Stretch

Sit straight at the edge of chair with bending one knee. Straight your second leg in front of your body. Keeps your heel on the floor with toes pointing towards ceiling. Try to push your tummy towards your thigh with holding the upper trunk of your body. Hold this position of 10 to 15 seconds. Repeat three times.

#What is Osgood-Schlatter Disease?
#Symptoms of Osgood-Schlatter Disease.
#How is Osgood-Schlatter Disease diagnosed?

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