What is Cervical Spondylosis?
Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative condition of the upper part of the spine. This pathological condition may include facet joint osteoarthritis, bone spurs or disc herniation. Cervical spondylosis is very common, with 85% of the world’s population over the age of 60 having a cervical problem. But 45% of people have symptoms of the condition.
Anatomy of Cervical Spine
The upper part (cervical region) of the spine is made up of seven vertebrae. It is known as c1 through c7. The cervical region of the spine is very flexible. The mobility of the neck is maintained by the facet joints. The intervertebral discs and spinal ligaments of the cervical vertebrae differ from those of other vertebrae in that they have openings in the transverse processes called transverse foramina. The arteries that supply blood to the brain come from the neck through these openings. The region of the spine is curved forward. This curvature helps absorb the pressure vibrations and shocks that accompany movement.
Causes of Cervical Spondylosis
Cervical spondylosis is caused by changes in the bones and cartilage that protect the neck. Causes of spondylosis may include;
Bone spurs
The body trying to make the spine stronger but sometimes resulting the overgrowth of bone. This extra bone can punch the sensitive area of the spine, like nerves.
Dehydrated spinal discs
Between each vertebra in the spine are discs, which are thick and act as cushions. It allows you to bend, lift and do other activities. The gel inside these discs can dry out in older people. As a result, the vertebrae of the spine fuse together and this can be very painful.
Herniated discs
Crack in the spinal discs, allowing leakage of the internal cushioning material. It can punch on the spinal cord and nerves. As a result, patient suffers symptoms like arm numbness, vertigo and pain radiates in arm.
If you suffer with an injury or accidental condition then you need extra care of cervical spine. Injury of cervical spine can accelerate the aging process.
Ligament Stiffness
The ligaments that connect your vertebrae together can tighten by age, affecting your neck movement and cause muscular spasm.
Some occupations or hobbies involve repetitive movements of neck like using mobile or computer every time, reading books, painting and other activities. These extra pressures can cause early changes in cervical spine.
Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis
The most common and important symptom is pain in neck or upper portion of spine.
Normally it happens due to disc herniation, bone spur, Ligament stiffnes or compression of spinal cord.
In most cases pain radiates in arm and worse with movement. Patient complains that i have sharp and shooting pain in hand. Cervical spondylosis can cause numbness or weakness in hand.
In severe condition patients may have difficulty in co-ordination and loss of balance. A patient with cervical spondylosis may have digestive problems. The patient complains all the time that I have dizziness, nausea and loss of appetite.
#Cervical_Spondylosis is a degenerative condition of the upper part of the spine. Many people are suffering with this problem but fewer have symptoms. Cervical region have seven vertebrae and every vertebrae have disc inside. The degenerative changes in vertebrae or disc cause cervical spondylosis. The most common symptom is pain in neck or upper part of spine. In some cases pain radiates in hand due to compression of nerve or spinal cord.