Ankle and foot mobilization is performed to achieving the full range of motion.

What is Joint Mobilization?

Joint mobilization is a technique which is used by physical therapist. It will help to increase the range of motion and decrease the pain.

Anatomy of Ankle Joint

The main movements of the ankle joint are dorsiflexion and plantar flexion. The ankle joint is made up of three bones, the talus, the tibia and the fibula. The top of the talus fix inside the socket formed by the lower ends of the tibia and fibula. The bottom of the talus fixes on the calcaneus, the bone that makes up the heel. The talus works like a hinge inside the ankle socket to allow your foot to move up, called dorsiflexion, and down, called plantar flexion.

Ankle and Foot Mobilization

Mobilization of Ankle and Foot

Subtalar joint Mobilization

Lie on prone position with foot hanging off the bed. The talocrural joint still on a slightly lifted head part of the table. Hold the ankle like your palm and middle finger hug the neck of the taylors from ventral. Squeeze the calcaneus with both of your hands. You can achieve this position by crossing your thumbs over the achilles tendon. Now, stretch the subtalar joint into plantar and proximal direction towards your chest, which is achieved by using your fingers as a lever on Taylor’s neck as the patient’s talocrural joint is flexed posteriorly. Tell the patient to come at the edge of the bed for more flexion. Physical therapist move into inversion and e-version with keeping your wrists and forearms stable from your shoulder.

Talocrural Joint Mobilization

Lie down on the bed with foot hanging outside the bed. Hold the heel and lower leg just above the ankle joint. Pull up the heel, at the same time the tibia and fibula pushing down, some slack should be felt as the tailless glides forward of the tibia and fibula. The talocrural joint mobilization can also be performed with assisted dorsi flexion by bending the knee and keeping the heel on the bed. The tibia and fibula can be mobilized posteriorly then the ankle is moved into dorsi flexion.

Talocrural Distraction

Stabilize the medial malleoli. Mobilize the mortise by pushing against the fibular malleoli in a posterior or anterior direction. Stabilize the leg with a belt. Wrap your both hands across the dorsum of the foot. Apply distraction to the talocrural joint and pulling distally to increase the ankle dorsiflexion.


The ankle joint is formed by three bones. Joint mobilization helps patient to increase the range of motion. For ankle and foot mobilization, lie down the patient on the bed. Mobilize the subtalar joint and talocrural joint. The aim of mobilization is to rehab the dorsiflexion and plantar flexion movement.

#Exercises of ankle an foot

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