These 10 best exercises for TMJ are very incredible results for managing pain and increasing the mobility of joint.
What is TMJ ?
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that joined your mandible (lower jaw) to your skull. You can find this joint in-front of your ears on both sides of head. The function of this joint is to open and close your jaw. This joint also helps you to eat and speak. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain aching your jaw and emits towards your neck, face and head. The most common cause of TMJ is excessive strain on the jaw joints and also the excessive strain of those muscles that controls swallowing, chewing and speech. Physiotherapy plays a very important role in TMJ for managing pain and increasing the mobility of joint. This 10 best exercises will definitely help you.
10 Best Exercises for TMJ
Chin Tucks
Push your head back over your shoulders. Hold for three seconds then relax. Take a big and deep breathe. Repeat 10 times.
Thumb Resistance
Keep the thumb under your jaw and open your mouth with pushing your thumb. Then, close your mouth with resistance. Take five seconds to open your mouth and take five seconds to close your mouth. Repeat 10 times.
Occipital Lifts
Puts the both hands over your ears with the fingers pointing up. Lift the sub-occipital and pull down on the other side. Hold for three seconds and then pull down on the opposite side. Repeat 10 times.
Neck Movements
Sit straight and keep your head in neutral position. Turn your head on one side with your shoulders straight and then turn your head on other side. Keep doing 10 times. Now again keep your head in neutral position. Go up your head towards the roof and then down your head towards the floor. Keep doing 10 times.
Tongue Exercises
Opening your mouth wide. Bring your tongue at the back of your throat. Hold there for three seconds. Move the base of your tongue towards your tonsils. Hold for three seconds. Then, move the tip of your tongue on right side and push your cheeks. Hold for three seconds. Now move to left side and push your left cheeks. Hold for three seconds. Repeat 10 times.
Jaw Movement
Opening the big mouth, feel a stretch on neck muscles. Move your jaw on right side and hold for two to three seconds. Then, move the other side and hold for two to three seconds. Repeat 10 times.
Mouth Openers
Sit or stand with good posture. Open the big mouth. Put the tip of tongue in your lower teeth and curled forward. Push your tongue down on the top of the teeth. You will feel the vibration of your skull during this exercise. Hold for ten seconds then relax. Repeat 10 times.
Jaw Massage
Take a lotion and gently move the tip of your fingers on circular motion. After that, move the tip of your fingers upwards with opening your mouth. Keep doing massage at-least eight to ten minutes.
Massage Back of Skull
Put the finger at the back of your skull. Find the tender spot and take the middle finger on it. Hold and massage with little tension in circular motion. Then down your head and keep doing massage in circular motion. Keep doing massage at-least ten minutes.
Deep Breathing
Sit straight on chair. Open your mouth and touching the tongue to the roof of your mouth. Breathe in slowly and then breathe out. If you take four seconds to breathe in so, you can also take four seconds to breathe out. Repeat 10 times.